Saturday, March 25, 2006

Women's Guide: Simplifying Your Life

The role of women in society has evolved. Now, we have other choices than being a homemaker; we have the same rights to obtain an education, join the business environment, and share the same legal rights with men. Although this social change is the best thing that has happened to all women, new issues have arisen.

Women are leading more stressful lives because not only did we join the workforce; we also have to juggle the house and kids at the same time. A typical day of today’s woman would consist on going to work, ensuring everyone in the family is taken care, ensuring that the household chores get done in addition to extracurricular activities, PTA meetings etc. Whew! I am already tired by just thinking about it.

In other words, women are leading more stressful lives than ever. This is not good because stress affect us entirely. It clouds and slows down our thinking process and puts a lot of weight on our bodies. The results are unclear communication with others, malfunction in work/school, irritability, tiredness, etc. As you can see none of the symptoms cause by stress are positive. Therefore, it is best to avoid it.

You are probably thinking avoid stress? Yeah Right! And I am here to say that you probably can not avoid every single mishap but there are simple actions that can help reduce some of the weight on your shoulders. This can be achieve by managing your time correctly, involving your family and much more. Below I have added ten tips that can reduce your stress level.

1. Do you have too many chores at home- If you have a partner and children then you can divide the chores. You would be amaze but even toddlers can help by putting away their own toys.

2. Buy organizers- Organizers in my opinion are a necessary tool. With both sexes working outside of the home, there is not that much time to maintain a tidy home. However, if you have organizers this definitely helps you reduce the amount of clutter in the house. The end result: A put together home.

3. Keep track of your time- Yes, planning ahead does help. Once you know what you want, plan what you need to do and state exactly when.

4. Have room for mistakes- Nothing is ever going to be perfect. So, do not beat yourself up over and over again. Instead, rise and use the negative experience to your advantage by learning from it.

5. For people that cook daily- Reduce the amount of times that you cook in a week. You can cook for two days at a time or cook various meals in one day for several days. Just make sure that the food is store properly. It is advisable to freeze the prepared food until; you are ready to use it. 6. Have a daily or weekly to do list- Let’s face it, with so many things in our heads it is pretty easy to forget what you need to do.

7. Pay for cleaning services- If you can not delegate different chores to others and have some cash to spare then, pay someone else. If you can not afford full service then pay for part of the chores. Pay a kid from your neighborhood a couple of bucks for raking your leaves or mowing the lawn.

8. Use the internet to your advantage and reduce shopping time by buying things online. Even some supermarkets are offering this service.

9. Lessen the time spend on unproductive activities- Included are talking on the phone, watching TV, chatting etc. You can do them but make sure that you do not talk for three hours or watch five different TV shows in one day etc. Activities like this do nothing but, waste time that you could use productively.

10. Leisure time- Always try to enjoy your life, set time to do activities that you love to do or interest you. It’s simple when we have fun there is no room for stress.

Remember life is just a whole bunch of moments put together so; do not waste them.

Until Next,

Kenia Morales

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics." Click on the link below to sign up for her self improvement tips by mail for free:

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Friday, March 17, 2006

3 Steps to Manifesting Your Ideal Life

Submitted by ehspina

The Law of Attraction specifies that you will attract to yourself those experiences that match your beliefs. Use these mystic principles to manifest your ideal life.

Over the past several weeks I've received dozens of email solicitations for books, CDs and videos that promise to reveal newly discovered techniques to improve my life. These emails promise a wide variety of benefits: how to get rich, lost weight , meet the woman of my dreams and buy a million dollar mansion with no money down. In some cases the salesman will throw in a "Ginzu knife" or "pocket fisherman" if I order immediately!

While some of these marketers may actually believe they've invented a whole new system of creating a life anyone would want, the truth is "there is nothing new under the sun." Mystics have studied the underlying principles that manifest reality for centuries. These same principles existed in the time of Socrates and they existed before the establishment of many of today's religions.

Whether it's money, love, health, or anything else, the principles are the same. In mystical terms, the Law of Attraction specifies that you will attract to yourself those experiences that match your beliefs. In the words of quantum physics, the observer affects that which is observed. Since you are the observer, it's you who affects your life, that is, it's you who creates your experience of reality.

You create your experience via your underlying beliefs-whether they are conscious or unconscious. If you're not conscious of your beliefs then you must make them conscious. As Carl Jung said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." Or, as mystics will say, "Know thyself." This includes your beliefs.

Before you begin to manifest your ideal life, you must get clear on exactly what you want. Examine your desire from a mystic perspective. Is it something that would be of benefit to many people or is it a purely selfish desire? If you are attempting to manifest your desire at the expense of someone else, there will be a steep price to pay in the future. Remember, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap," so why saddle yourself with additional burdens? If your desire seems selfish, reframe it so that it's of benefit to others.

Once you are clear on exactly what you want, then it is a straightforward matter to manifest your desire.

There are three steps:

Step 1. Visualize exactly what you want for 5 minutes per day. Let's say you want to go sightseeing in Paris. You may want to visualize the Eiffel Tower. Why 5 minutes? Because any longer and your mind will wander. Any shorter and you may not be fully fleshing out your vision.

Step 2. Put yourself in the picture, with detail and emotion. You have a clear view of the Eiffel Tower. But, if you don't visualize yourself in the picture, the universe will manifest your desire, but perhaps not in the format you anticipated. For example, you might get a postcard of the Paris skyline in the mail. To avoid any misunderstandings, picture yourself standing in front of the tower. What are you wearing? Are you there with your spouse or some new love interest? Add details, employing all your sensory data. You're eating a delicious croissant. The wind is blowing gently on a beautiful, sunny spring afternoon. You hear conversations en francais and you smell the perfume of the petite jeune fille standing near you.

Don't forget to add emotion. Are you enjoying the taste of your croissant? Do you feel the joy of exploring a new country? Are you reveling in the sense of freedom as you travel the world? The more realistic you make it, the better.

Step 3. At this stage, focus only on the end result. This is very important. Don't worry about how you get there. You can't possibly imagine all the ways that your goal might manifest, so don't limit yourself to people you know or the most obvious avenues to attain your goal. Let the universe worry about the details.

When you are done with your meditation, release it to the universe. Continuing to hold it in your mind will prevent its manifestation. You have to let go. To ensure you've let go, occupy yourself with a completely unrelated activity after you complete your meditation.

You're ready to go; but first, a brief note of caution. This is an extremely powerful technique, so keep in mind the old adage, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." An example, an acquaintance of mine was remarking on how lucky a friend of hers was to receive a $100,000 settlement for a personal injury she suffered. Within two weeks, my friend was involved in a moderately serious auto accident that left her with a bad back and a subsequent $50,000 settlement. Was it worth it? I don't think so.

To ensure that you don't manifest something similar, I recommend you close each meditation by saying, "If it pleases God, then so be it," or "If this is for my highest good, then so be it." This is an extra form of protection that will help you avoid needless headache.

Lastly, don't think that because you're busy visualizing you don't have to take any action on the physical plane. For example, if you're looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, you can't just sit inside and visualize your ideal mate, you still need to get out. You must go about your business, but be alert to opportunities that the universe is presenting to you.

The Law of Attraction is the basic underlying principle at work here. If you're not manifesting what you desire then there are two possibilities: you aren't clear on exactly what you want or you're not aware of a certain belief, probably unconscious, that is contradicting your conscious desire.

Identifying your unconscious beliefs is a topic that we'll cover in our next newsletter.

Until then, manifest your dreams, the mystic's way!

About The Author:

Edwin Harkness Spina is the author of the award-winning spiritual thriller Mystic Warrior. Receive a free copy of Mystic Secrets Revealed, when you sign up for the Mystic Warrior Newsletter at


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Jewelry from 3000 BC Egypt to the 21st Century


The use of gold jewelry can be dated back to Egypt 3000 BC. Gold was the preferred metal for jewelry making during ancient times. It was rare, it was easy to work with, and it never tarnished.

Magnificent bracelets, pendants, necklaces, rings, armlets, earrings, collars, and head ornaments were all produced in ancient Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs. In 1922 Howard Carter’s excavations led to the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb and many gold artifacts, all showing the art work of ancient Egypt.


In ancient Greece, gold beads in the shape of shells, flowers and beetles were very common. In Northern Greece beautiful necklaces and earrings have been excavated from burial.

By 300 BC the Greeks were using gems such as emeralds, garnets, amethysts and pearls. They also created colored glass stones and enamel stones. Carved agate cameos and gold filigree work were widely made.


The Italian Etruscans produced granulated textured gold work. They made very large, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. They were also known for producing hollow gold pendants that were filled with perfume. Even today the Italians are still known for the quality gold jewelry.


The Romans used 18 and 24 carat gold for their coins. Coinage gold was readily available so it was popular with craftsmen for decorative jewelry. Over 2000 years ago the Romans were using sapphires, emeralds, garnets, and amber in their jewelry. Europe.

During the 13th century the Medieval Sumptuary Laws were enacted which put a cap on luxurious jewelry and clothing. The town folk of France, banned from wearing girdles made from pearls or any other gemstone.

They were also banged from wearing gold or silver. Similar laws existed in England banning artisans from wearing gold and silver. These laws show how fine jewelry had spread beyond nobility to the town folk.

For as long as mankind has existed gems and jewels have been used as token of ones love for another. While many pieces of jewelry existed adorned with fine gems and made from precious metals, there was also some very good fake jewelry.

True gemstones and pearls originated in the east and they were bought mainly by the Italians. The Italian merchants then sold the jewelry to the Europeans.

High quality glass imitations were often used and sold with the intent to deceive. These high quality glass stones were often used in the Royal funeral robes and in children's jewelry.

Valued more than gemstones, were the flawless, round, natural white pearls. South India provided some of the finest pearls. The Italians were able to make quality imitation glass gems and pearls that could only be identified by a gemologist.

There is historical proof that recipes for false pearls existed as far back as 1300. White powdered glass was mixed with albumen and snail slime to produce imitation pearls.

Earrings and Dress Jewelry

During the 17th century woman always wore earrings, whether they were dressed or undressed. It was very acceptable to wear faux pearls and paste gem earrings during the day saving fine diamond jewelry and gem jewelry for evening attire.

Dress ornamentation decreased in size. Sleeves or skirts were often decorated with matching brooches.

During the 16th it was very fashionable to wear large quantities of pearls. Both jewelry to clothing accessories were adorned with pearls.

During the 17th century Jaquin of Paris patented a method of making fake pearls. Hollow blown glass balls were coated with varnish mixed with iridescent ground fish scales. The hollow balls were then filled with wax to strengthen them. This discovery made Paris the main producer of faux pearls for well over 200 years.

Paste is a compound of glass containing white lead oxide and potash. Paste jewelry was very common in the later part of the 17th century. The highest quality and most long lasting paste jewelry was produced after 1734 by Georges Strass.

Paris lead the production of faux gems [paste] and faux pearls. Just about any kind of fake gem could be made, including fake opals.

After 1760 the production of fake jewelery spread to London and to Birmingham. During the industrial revolution steel was produced in large quantities so it was easily available. It was ues for setting marcasite and jasper ware cameos. Glass and Wedgwood porcelain paste cameos were made in English factories and were also very popular.

The fashion from this era also included ornate shoe buckles of paste, steel and tin, elaborate paste jewel buttons, as well as semi precious for day wear.

Empire Jewelry

In 1804 Napoleon emerged as Emperor of France, resulting in a revival of jewelry and fashion as a new court of pomp. 'Joailliers' worked fine jewelry and 'bijoutiers' used less precious materials.

The members of the new French imperial family had the former French royal family gems re-set into the latest neo-classical style. The new trends soon found their way to Europe, particularly England. The main influence for design was the Greek and Roman.

Parures and Cameos

Parures were a matching suite of coordinating precious gems which could include a necklace, a comb, a tiara, a diadem, a bandeau, a pair of bracelets, pins, rings, drop earrings or and cluster stud earrings and possibly a belt clasp.

A full parure consisted of a minimum of four pieces. A demi parure consisted of three or less pieces. Both Josephine and Napoleon's second wife had magnificent parures.

Once Napoleon's cameo decorated coronation crown was seen, cameos became the rage. Cameos were carved from hard stone, conch shells and even from Wedgwood porcelain.

Victorian Jewelry

In 1837 when Queen Victoria came to the throne jewelry was romantic and nationalistic. It focused on European folk art, which later influenced the Arts and Crafts Movement. Until mid century most western jewelry came from Europe, with some jewelry being produced in North America and Australia.

Mass production of mid Victorian jewelry in Birmingham, Germany and Providence, Rhode Island resulted in lower jewelry standards. Victorian women rebelled when they saw some the poor quality of much of this machine made jewelry.

Woman rebelled by wearing no jewelry at all, or buying from the emerging artist craftsman. Some jewelers like Tiffany recognized a niche market and began to make fine jewelry of a very high standard, opening shops in main European cities.

Mourning Jewelry

During the Victorian era mourning jewelry was very fashionable. The initial months of mourning were unadorned by jewelry of any kind. As the mourning rituals increased, mourning jewelry developed as a fashion item. Queen Victorian wore a great deal of jet mourning jewelry after Prince Albert’s death.

Jet from Whitby, North of England was set into mourning pieces. All types of material that were black were used and almost all included a lock of the dead loved one's hair. Hair was also plaited, braided or twisted very tightly until it became hard and thread like.

Arts and Crafts Jewelry

During the 1870s the Arts and Crafts movement evolved as a reaction to mass produced shoddy goods and inferior machine made products which were a result of the industrial revolution.

William Morris and John Ruskin were both leaders of the arts and crafts movement in England. They promoted simple Arts and Crafts of designs based on floral, primitive or Celtic forms worked as wallpapers, furniture and jewelry.

The polished stones used in Arts and Crafts jewelry gave a medieval, simpler, gentler, tooled hand made look and feel to items.

Art Nouveau

The Art Nouveau followed the arts and crafts movement resulting in a new jewelry look. The movement began in Paris and its influence went throughout the Western world. Art nouveau jewelry had curves, sinuous organic lines of romantic and imaginary dreaminess.

It was very ethereal turning into winged bird and flower forms. French, René Lalique was the master goldsmith of the era of Art Nouveau producing exquisite one off pieces. Today, the Art Nouveau style is still admired, sought after, and copied.


Various combinations of pearl necklaces come in and out of fashion with regularity so pearls too are a must. Today pearls are still a wardrobe essential. Both faux pearls and cultured pearls are very affordable today.

Since the opening of trade with China in the 1990s, many pearls are imported from China dropping the price to about 1/3 of what it was prior to China entering the market.

The Japanese have suffered disease in their pearl beds as well as facing competition and are finding it hard to compete with China's prices.

Pearl necklaces and pearl earrings can lift a complexion and bring light and radiance to the face taking years off a woman whatever her age. They have been a wardrobe staple for centuries, and a wedding attire tradition.

Cultured pearls have become very affordable, and faux pearls are very cheap and the quality can be excellent. Currently Pearls are a very “hot” fashion statement and with the modern twist of being interspaced on gold wire or floating on special synthetic cord they are essential to the millennium look.

Cocktail Jewelry

During the 1920s Lalique mass produced and designed high quality glass jewelry. Fake, or costume jewellery was sometimes then called cocktail jewelry.

Costume or Cocktail jewelry was greatly influenced by designers such as Coco Chanel, and Elsa Shiparelli as well as a host of other designers. These two designers were particularly known for encouraging clients to mix their fine jewelry and costume jewelry. Both designers offered imagination and fun and both often sported fabulous fakes.

In the late 1930s Napier of the USA was at the forefront of manufacturing fake cocktail jewelry offer glamour and escapism. Today, Napier still produces excellent contemporary costume pieces.

Hollywood Influence

By the 1940s and 1950s American culture was very dominant in Europe. The influence of movie films and the prominence of film stars set the fashion stage for womens make-up, hair and wardrobe.

People wanted copies of outfits and jewelry worn by the actresses. Women believed that the glamour of Hollywood would rub off on them if they dressed and looked like the glamorous Hollywood actresses.

During the Second World War metals were rationed, halting the production of fine jewelry. Quality costume jewelry picked up the now defunct fine jewelry market. Costume jewelry flourished becoming an acceptable alternative to fine jewelry. 1980's Television Influences Jewelry

During the 1980s with the evolution of glitzy television soaps such as Dynasty and Dallas, costume jewelry once again became a “hot” fashion statement. With over 250 million viewers, it didn’t take long for costume jewelry to be reborn.

Glitz and sparkle by day was not only acceptable, it became the norm. Earrings grew to an unbelievable size, as did other pieces of jewelry. By the 1990s this sparkly dazzling jewelry phenomena was dead, replace with tiny real diamond studs or a fine stud pearls.

21st Century Jewelry

For the 21st century women believe a mix is good. Fine jewelry combined with costume jewelry are wardrobe essentials. The sophisticated women of this century know what they want from their jewelry and how to wear it to make their fashion statement.

They recognize that costume jewelry can liven up their wardrobe. The types and quality of costume jewelry has grown enormously. Today one can purchase what is classified as fine costume jewelry which is usually plated at least seven times with 10 22 ct gold.

Swarovski crystal set in gold are common accessories, and cubic zirconium, man’s imitation diamond, can be purchased for a fraction of the cost of real diamonds allowing every women to add diamond styled jewelry to their wardrobe.

Ciro, Adrian Buckley, Butler and Wilson, Swarovski Crystal Jewelry Napier, Joan Rivers, Joan Collins, Christian Dior, California Crystal, Property of A Lady and of course Kenneth J Lane to name just a few continue to produce high quality fashion jewelry for today’s women.

Costume jewelry can take you from the board room to a night out of dining and dancing to your most intimate evening. It can make you look your best for your wedding, or a day at the beach. You can make Your Fashion Statement With Costume Jewelry!

Sher from Estate Jewelry International has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing fashion, jewelry, and wedding help. So stop by and visit us at We'll help you make your fashion statement! Remember looking good doesn't have to cost a fortune!

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