Friday, February 24, 2006

Migraines And Women

by: James Mahony

Migraines occur far more frequently in women than in men. In fact, in adult women the rate of frequency is roughly fifteen to seventeen percent, whereas in men it is only about five percent.

Studies have concluded that estrogen withdrawal is a key factor in migraines related to menstrual cycles.

Twenty-five to thirty percent of all women in their 30s experience at least an occasional migraine.

Menstrual migraines generally last longer than non-menstrual migraines and often are much more difficult to treat effectively.

Sixty to seventy percent of women who suffer from migraines have menstrual-related migraine.

Ten to fourteen percent of women with migraines have them only during menstruation. These types of headaches are known as ‘true menstrual migraine’.

Premenstrual migraine may in fact be part premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the menstrual related mood disorder. Symptoms of PMS include fatigue, irritability or depression, bloating and, yes, headache.

Two-thirds of women who suffered from pre-menopausal migraines find their condition improve with physiologic menopause. On the other hand, it has been found that surgical menopause worsens migraine conditions in two-thirds of cases.

Migraine attacks usually disappear during pregnancy. At the same time, however, some women report an initial onset of migraines during the first trimester of pregnancy, with the disappearance of their headaches after the third month of pregnancy.

Treatment options for menstrual migraine

Sidenote: Hope you're finding this useful? I have always been curious about this matter. And when I found very little quality information about it, I decided to share a part of what I've learned about it - which is why this article came to be written. Read on.

When choosing to treat menstrual migraines with medication, the drugs used most often are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). The NSAIDS of choice in treating menstrual migraines are:

ketoprofen (Orudis)
ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin)
fenoprofen calcium (Nalfon)
naproxen (Naprosyn)
nabumetone (Relafen)

For best results when using NSAIDs to treat migraines, usage should be started two to three days before menstrual flow actually begins and the therapy should be continued throughout the period. Gastrointestinal side effects are generally not serious enough to be considered because the therapy takes place over such a short period, no pun intended.

For patients who suffer from more severe menstrual migraines or who desire to continue taking oral contraceptives, doctors also recommend taking a NSAID. This therapy should begin l9th day of your cycle and continue through the second day of the next cycle.

Some women have found antinausea medicine and pain relievers like aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen sufficient enough to dull the pain. Others trust in analgesics or serotonin agonists such as Imitrex, Zomig, Amerge or Maxalt. When using medications, it is extremely important to be aware of the dangers of avoiding a repetitive pattern of medication or overuse of medication as this can cause rebound headaches.

You might also consider using an estrogen skin patch. This treatment is utilized in the days leading up to your period and may either delay or actually prevent the onset of a menstrual migraine.

Some studies have found that daily doses of magnesium may help menstrual migraines in certain women. In addition, vitamin and herbal treatments have been found to be effective. The herb feverfew or vitamin B2 when taken on a daily basis may reduce

Either the severity or the frequency of headaches, though research does not point to menstrual migraines in particular.

Even though two-thirds of women do report improvement in their migraine condition with the onset of natural menopause, two-thirds of women report a worsening with surgical, therefore neither a hysterectomy nor an ovarian removal are recommended.

As always, you should consult your physician for a proper diagnosis before discontinuing or launching on kind of new treatment, including over-the-counter medication treatments.

Every person has a unique health profile that includes aspects specific to their physiology and family history and that may preclude them from taking certain medications.

Some final tips

There enough different migraine triggers to fill a book and keeping track of them can be a full time job. It is highly recommended that you keep a trigger diary that includes a record of foods you eat, weather conditions, medications you have taken, stressful events, menstrual activity, etc.

Also of benefit is developing a plan around your period. Reduce stress as much as possible by planning work and leisure commitments around your cycle so as to cut back on menstrual-related triggers as much as possible.

I hope you've found this information helpful and gained something of value from the article.

In case there is any specific portion that is not clear enough, or that you'd like to know more about, please write to let me know and I'll try and update the article or write another one getting into greater detail.

About The Author

James Mahony is the founder of
A site dedicated to preventing and treating migraine headaches

Too Busy for Relationships?

If you currently feel that you don’t have enough friends in your life, one reason may be that you have let yourself become too busy to make time for the relationships you already have.
Nurturing and maintaining friendships requires effort and commitment. Many of us let our lives become so busy with work and other commitments that we don’t get around to scheduling time for pleasure and renewal with the friends, relatives and acquaintances we already have.
Making the effort to call your friends more regularly, and to accept more of the invitations you receive from others, can improve your social life in a hurry!
Are there any people you could call right now and be assured of a pleasant welcome? Are these people that you could count on to help you in a crisis? Can you have close talks with them? Do you have fun when you are together? Are you happy to have them in your life?
If you haven’t seen much of them lately, is it because you have become too busy? Have you grown apart? Was there an argument?
If the main reason you haven’t been getting together with the people you already know is because you have gotten too busy, take a good look at how you spend your time. Compare it with your real values and priorities in life. Is your hectic lifestyle really bringing you the quality of life that you want?
If you have become too busy for friends, why has this happened? Are you pursuing material toys in your life at the expense of relationships with other human beings? Have you allowed your time to be over-committed because you never say “No” to anyone? Do you insist on doing things yourself that could be delegated to others? If so, why? Do you believe that everything depends on you?
Examine whether the way you are currently spending your time accurately reflects your deepest values and priorities. Make sure that you schedule adequate time for the things that are truly most important to you. If you really want to keep friends in your life, make a space in your schedule, and a space in your heart for them.

About the author:

This article is written by Royane Real who is the author of several self help books, including "How You Can Have All the Friends You Want" To read more of Royane Real’s articles on friendship as well as self help articles by other writers visit her new website at

Circulated by Article Emporium

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Why We Should Be Worried About The Bird Flu

by: Michael Colucci

Is the Bird Flu Virus for real? Or is it something the media has blown up once again. Does the bird flu virus really possess a threat to us humans?
The bird flu virus is the current virus that has been scaring people away from eating at KFC. People might think that the bird flu virus might cause them to die.

What the media is doing, is only trying to scare a lot of people from the bird flu virus. This is maybe because of the pandemic that we have experienced before from other flu that have killed millions.
The most famous of all the flu is the pandemic that happened during 1918-19. The Spanish flu killed more people than World War 1. 500 million became ill of this virus and around 40 million died.

That’s why for every new flu virus that’s been arising, people get worried right away. Scientist will try to prevent viruses from getting a lot worse like the 1918-19 pandemic. The media on the other hand serves to inform the people of the potential threat.

Another thing to worry about is that 36,000 people die everyday of ordinary influenza virus in the United States alone. Can you imagine how much worse a pandemic can cause?

Also every 3 to 4 times in a century there will always be a chance that a flu pandemic may hit. What if the bird flu virus is already among them? That’s why people form the media and scientist grow deeply worried.
The flu can basically achieve these things because it has the ability to mutate. It can change quickly and outwit the vaccines that have been created for previous flu strains. Then they take the immune system by storm.

The flu can also grab the genetic material of other viruses and also jump from one species to another. There are times where the transfer needs to be done via an intermediary. Such as the West Nile Fever, this needs a mosquito to be transferred.

The viruses that have transferred from animals to people are not something new. This has been happening since the 1980’s. The new virus that ahs been scaring people of that comes from animals is the bird flu.
Bird flu’s symptoms usually start out quite simple and the infected person might think that it’s just an ordinary flu. The infected person will experience muscle aches, sore throats, colds and cough. However, it may lead to the immediate death of the infected person.

Currently, people who have died form bird flu are still not abundant to call it a pandemic or worry about an outbreak. What worries the health officials is the possibility it becomes an outbreak when it mutates and can transfer from one person to the other.

That’s why its better the media and the health officials worry about this thing a whole lot before we get another pandemic like that of the Spanish Flu.

About The Author
Michael Colucci is a technical writer for Bird Flu Facts - A site that offers the latest facts on the bird flu.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sympthon of Depression

Depression is a condition that is not clearly understood by many. What is this mood disorder and who is likely to suffer from it? What is post-partum depression? Learn how to identify symptoms of depression. Find out how depression is treated with anti-depression medication and therapy.

What is Depression?
'Depression' is a mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness. It permeates through the body and mind. Depression lowers motivation and energy levels. This disorder takes control of the mind, body and soul. When depressed, you may often experience feelings of low esteem, guilt and self-reproach driving you to take irrational decisions. Depression often results from combination of factors - personal experiences, financial problems, tension or trauma in personal life. Whatever be the cause, depression is not just a state of mind. It is related to physical changes in the brain too. Depression is associated with an imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemicals that carries signals in your brain and nerves) in the brain.
Types of Depression
There are several forms of depression. Diagnoses for depression are mostly determined by the intensity and duration of the symptoms.
Clinical Depression
Major depression or clinical depression is among the most severe depression disorders. Clinical depression is diagnosed in terms of symptoms and severity of the symptoms. A person affected by clinical depression may appear fully dejected and disinterested in regular activities. The victim will be more or less in a hopeless state. Persons affected with clinical depression may undergo appetite and weight loss.
Dysthymic Disorder
Dysthymia is moderate level of depression. Most people go through this disorder even with out knowing that they are affected by dysthymia. These people undergo many changes that affect their quality of life. They may experience fatigue, sleeping and eating problems and be plagued by low self-esteem, guilt and negative thinking. These people may also suffer from concentration and memory problems. While the symptoms of dysthymia are not as pronounced as in clinical depression, they are more enduring and resistant to treatment.
Manic Depression
Manic Depression or Bipolar depression is a kind of disorder associated with mood shifts. People affected by manic depression have sudden extreme mood swings, much like a rollercoaster ride. Manic depression is characterized by mood swings that can sometimes to be quite rapid. People who suffer from manic depression have an extremely high rate of suicide.
Atypical Depression
This depression is common in women. Atypical depression is a variation of depression that is slightly different from major depression. The person affected may experience mood swings. Symptoms of atypical depression include fatigue, oversleeping, overeating and weight gain. This type of depression usually begins in adolescence and, if untreated, will often continue throughout life.
Psychotic Depression
People who suffer from major depression may also show symptoms of psychotic depression. The affected person may hear and see imaginary things - sounds, voices and visuals that do not exist. Persons suffering from psychotic depression are prone to hallucinations, which are common with someone suffering from schizophrenia. This kind of depression requires immediate attention, as consequences may be fatal.
Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorders are a form of emotional upsets. The affected person feels highly aroused and is afraid of a panic attack. An anxiety disorder is a constant feeling of tension and a person affected by this will have no reason for the way he/she feels.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is the kind of depression that occurs in women after pregnancy. Postpartum depression is considered to be a form of major depression due to the similarity of symptoms in both the conditions. Studies indicate that about 10 % of new mothers develop postpartum depression. There are indications that postpartum pregnancy is common in women who have already experienced some form of depressive illness. Postpartum depression can happen anytime within the first year after childbirth. The symptoms of this disorder may include sadness, lack of energy, trouble concentrating, anxiety, feelings of guilt and worthlessness. The postpartum depression symptoms are more prolonged, severe and disabling. Hence it requires immediate attention and medical care. If left untreated, postpartum depression may last for months or years. In rare cases it may even become worse and may lead to a severe form of depression called postpartum psychosis. A combination of medication and psychotherapy treatments can help you relieve from postpartum depression.
Signs and Symptoms of Depression
The following are some of the most common symptoms of depression.
  • Depression isolates, disables and contributes to deteriorating physical as well as emotional health. The severity of these symptoms may vary from person to person.
  • persistent sadness, anxiety or emptiness
  • feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
  • feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
  • loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and regular activities, including sex
  • decreased energy, fatigue
  • difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions
  • inability to think clearly, feeling fuzzy-headed
  • insomnia, early-morning awakening or oversleeping
  • loss of appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
  • restlessness, irritability
  • persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain
  • thoughts or talk of death or suicide; suicide attempts
  • thoughts or talk of self-harm or harm to others.

Depression treatment and support

Depression can be treated through a combination of medication, talk therapy and other treatment strategies worked by your health care professional at a depression treatment center. The right depression treatment is the one that works best for you.

Anti depression drug / Depression Medication

Anti depression drugs are medications used to relieve and cure depression. They are used to treat serious, continuing mental depression that interferes with a person's ability to function. These depression medications help reduce the extreme sadness, hopelessness and lack of interest in life that are typical in people with depression. All antidepressant drugs are effective, but certain types work best for certain kinds of depression. For example, people who are depressed and agitated do best when they take an antidepressant drug. Similarly, people who are depressed and withdrawn may benefit more from an antidepressant drug that has a stimulating effect.These depression medications having different chemical structures act on different chemicals in the brain in order to relieve depression and mental disorders. However, the same depression medication may not be effective for everyone. It is essential to work closely with a physician to determine which anti depression medication might be best for you. Sometimes this may involve trying more than one medication or a combination of medications. Never change your dosage or discontinue your medication without talking to your doctor. The list of medications provided here is just for information and does not replace your consultation with the physician. Some antidepressants prescribed by physicians include

  • Amoxapine
  • Bupropion
  • Clomipramine
  • Anafranil
  • Asendin
  • Effexor
  • Rapiflux
  • Wellbutrin
  • Zoloft
  • Zyban
  • Zoloft

Zoloft (Sertraline) is an anti depression drug indicated for the treatment of mental disorder. It improves a depressed person's mood. This medication is generally prescribed for people with an obsessive compulsive disorder, panic attacks, post-trauma stress or anxiety disorders. Zoloft works by increasing the activity of the chemical sertonin in the brain.

Depression treatment

Talk Therapy - Apart from medication, your health care professional at a depression treatment center may also suggest psychotherapy or talk therapy in order to relieve your mental disorder. Psychotherapy can be used alone or in combination with other treatments and depression medications. However talk therapy is well suited to treat cases of mild to moderate depression. People with severe forms of depression may not benefit from psychotherapy until their symptoms have been lifted through another means of treatment. Interpersonal, groups and family can provide depression help.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) - Electroconvulsive therapy is used to treat severe form of depression at a depression treatment center. When medications and psychotherapy fail to reduce symptoms, ECT can be an alternative treatment. ECT relieves depression through electrical stimulation to the brains. ECT is a painless form of depression treatment as muscle relaxants are administered to the anesthetized person to eliminate shaking.Deep Brain Stimulation - Deep brain stimulation therapy is used to help depression patients, who do not respond to psychotherapy or ECT. Deep brain stimulation is based upon the observation that a region of the brain called Brodmann area 25 is metabolically overactive in treatment-resistant depression. However, there are not enough studies to prove the effectiveness of this therapy.

Depression support groups

There are many depression support groups available both online and offline. Psychiatrists and psychologists of these centers help the depressed person through regular counseling. With the development in technology, there are also many online depression forums to help support the depressed one.


Beauty Fitness with Yoga

In the quest for a beautiful figure and overall fitness, Yoga is one of the most sought after technique that brings about increased fitness and flexibility levels. This holistic approach to fitness also addresses the spiritual and mental well being of a person. You can develop a calm and stress free mind in a fit body with yoga asanas and meditation practices. The principles of fitness with yoga are controlled breathing, postures or asanas and meditation. Bringing about control on your breathing rate calms the mind and relaxes the body. The yoga asanas tone the muscles, strengthen them and re-align the body. Yoga as a beauty fitness routine can fit into anyone's lifestyle. You can choose the yoga techniques that are suited for your individual needs - be it a child, factory worker, housewife, athlete or aged person.

Yoga and obesity
Abdominal fat is a common problem with most women. The fat in this region differs from the fat elsewhere in the body. There are more receptors for the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone levels rise and fall with varying situations but can remain at an elevated level if you are under constant stress. High cortisol levels can lead to increased fat deposition in the abdominal area. Yoga helps in tackling fat in the abdominal and other regions. It has also been known to influence eating disorders. By bringing a balance of emotions, you can be relieved of depression, anger and anxiety.A yoga regimen can help you rebuild energy, improve bone density and tackle disorders such as Anorexia. Beauty fitness with yoga is a reality since regular practice of yoga helps a woman remain agile and slim. Asanas such as Paschimotannasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana and ArdhaMatsyendrasana can help you sculpt your body.

Yoga fitness regimen
Just by devoting about twenty minutes daily with yoga, you can improve your natural charms. The practice of yoga can help tremendously, especially during puberty, when the body is developing more quickly. Yoga helps in regulating glands that control the growth hormones. Adopting a fitness regimen with yoga can give you increased confidence, improved state of well being and a more shapely body. Yoga aids in improved cardiovascular health, toned muscles and increased flexibility.
With yoga you can achieve:
Improved balance
Strengthened and toned legs and hands
Firm and flat lower belly

Yoga and beauty
The improved blood circulation and hormone balance makes the inner physical system immaculate and the postures and various physical exercises of yoga provide shape to the external body. Yoga lends the skin a healthy glow by balancing the hormones and boosting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to our skin. This keeps the skin resilient and prevents dryness and excessive sagging. Yoga tones the facial muscles and also those in the neck. These asanas can also prove to be a boon for those in their mid forties whose skin has started to wrinkle, black circles have appeared around the eyes and the stomach has become flabby.
Source : Targetwoman

Recipe Sushi

With its rich coastline that offers many seafood options and rich plankton, it is but natural that sushi should be the logical food. Japanese sushi is catching on in popularity the world over. These dishes use sushi rice that has been seasoned with sweet vinegar. Sashimi or raw fish and rice are the principal ingredients of sushi. Look up information on sushi rolls and recipes to make vegetarian sushi. Our sushi calorie guide shows you how you can eat sushi and not let it show on your waistline. As they would say in Japanese Itadakimasu or Bon Appetit!

Japanese sushi

Japanese sushi dishes are those that use rice seasoned with sweet rice-wine vinegar. Raw fish, cooked fish, shellfish, avocado and many other vegetables are used in sushi dishes. Sushi began as a preservation technique for storing fish. The pressed rice sushi was slightly dried in the sun so the outside had a crunchy texture and the inside was soft and tasty. This was done with salt and rice - and this led to the creation of sushi dishes that are gaining in popularity the world over. Sushi dishes such as Chirashii-zushi, maki-zushi and inari-zushi are seen at Japanese celebration meals. Kaiten-zushi or sushi fast food is an inexpensive way to eat this traditional Japanese dish. Sushi plates are placed on a conveyor belt on a table or eating area.
Sushi has invaded American mealtime tables in a big way. With its low fat and health food appeal, it is little wonder that there are so many takers for Japanese sushi. While enjoying your sushi, do not dunk the pieces entirely into the sauce. The sauce is merely to add a touch of flavor. While sushi pieces in Japan are small, the American versions are larger.
Nigiri - This sushi dish consists of small rice balls with a range of topping options - fried egg, octopus, eel, squid, shrimp and tuna.Norimaki zushi - sushi rolls that come in a variety of fillings and thickness.Gunkan - These are small cups made of sushi rice and dried seaweed. Fillings range from sea urchins to fish eggs and other seafood.Temaki - Sushi rolls filled with rice, seafood and vegetables.Inari - Simple sushi recipe that involves sushi rice filed into tofu bags that have been deep-fried.
Do not confuse raw fish with sushi. Sashimi is fresh and raw fish that is elegantly served chilled and sliced. Flatfish such as seabream, tuna, cuttlefish and abalone are ideal for sashimi. Brighten up a sashimi dish with parsley, lettuce and raw vegetables. It is served with soy sauce and ponzu. Wasabi, red pepper and green onions are accompaniments for a sashimi.

Recipe sushi
Here is a list of essentials that you would need before you start making sushi:
Bamboo rolling mat (Makisu)
Cutting board
Sharp knife
Wooden spoon or spatula
Large wooden or glass bowl
Medium grain rice
Rice vinegar
Nori Seaweed or soybean paper (for rolls)
Wasabi (Japanese horseradish mustard)
Gari (pickled, thinly sliced ginger)
Fish, seafood, and /or vegetables as desired, depending upon what type of sushi you plan to make Soy sauce

A recipe for sushi:
Take short or medium grained rice and wash till the starch is cleared. Cook for about 15 minutes. Spread and allow to cool. Combine vinegar with sugar and salt to make a sauce. Mix with rice after it has cooled and stir it in. This sushi rice is then used in the sushi rolls along with the toppings of your choice.

Calorie sushi:
A Japanese sushi meal is ideal for a light lunch or snack. Sushi dishes are low in fat and contain fewer calories. Typically a sushi dish contains 350 - 400 calories. While fish provides an excellent source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids, the seaweed is rich in iodine. Here is a list of the calorie content of various sushi dishes:
Sushi and Sashimi - 350
Shrimp Teriyaki - 350
Ebi-Sushi - 45
Sashimi (beef) - 125
Sashimi (squid) - 65

Roll sushi:
Sushi rolls (norimaki) are usually made of pieces of fish, crab or shrimp rolled with tempura pieces cooked to a crisp. Cucumbers and avocado also find their way into most sushi rolls. Rice sheets or seaweed are used for rolls. Seasonings for sushi are soy sauce and Wasabi (Japanese horseradish). Pickled ginger or gari is served with sushi. It provides the refreshingly different taste between bites of sushi rolls. Finger roll sushi is called Nigiri zushi. Raw tuna rolls are called Tekkamaki while cucumber rolls are called Kappamaki. Inari zushi is brown and sweetish on account of the deep fried tofu.

To make sushi rolls:

1. Place a sheet of nori on the bamboo mat.
2. Moisten your hands and put a couple of tablespoons of sushi rice in the center and spread it evenly.
3. Spread a streak of wasabi in the middle and add layers of fish and vegetables.
4. Fold the bamboo mat to enclose the filling within the nori. Shape it and seal the roll tightly.
5. Cut the roll seam side down into rounds using a sharp knife.

Recipe sushi vegetarianYou can combine any of these vegetables when you make sushi - cucumber, zucchini, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, carrots, daikon radish, asparagus, scallions, mushrooms, avocado and fresh spinach. Cook the rice sushi. Julienne the vegetable and steam them. Mix vinegar and brown sugar and mix with cooled rice. Follow the same recipe for sushi rolls using the vegetables. Smear wasabi paste over the rice layers.

Vegetarian sushi recipes make use of succulent fresh vegetables and tofu - rich in essential minerals and vitamins and low in fat. Making vegetarian sushi at home is not as difficult as you would imagine. You can whip up colorful sushi dishes - sweet brown rice contrasting well with the dark nori wraps and colorful vegetables. Other vegetarian options for sushi are watercress, radish sprouts, bell pepper and mashed yams. Stuffed with spinach or avocado and carrot and sprinkled with sesame seeds, sushi recipes can be tried out at home for a delicious and healthy meal. Serve the sushi vegetarian rolls with dipping sauce, pickled ginger and green tea.

Rice sushi:
Rice sushi is not to be made with long grain rice but short grained sticky rice. Rice for sushi must not be cooked very soft. You need about one cup of cooked rice for each sushi roll. Rice sushi tastes best when made with Japonica -type medium-grained rice. Cool the rice for the sushi and add vinegar. Don't smash the rice grains when you mix the vinegar though. Sushi vinegar recipe - Combine 2 tbsp sugar, 1/3 cup white vinegar, 11/2 tsp salt and a dash of MSG. Bring all ingredients to a boil.
Source: Targetwoman

Thursday, February 16, 2006

How to Spot A Fake Diamond

By: Glenn J Fournier

If you have even a passing interest in the topic of diamonds, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of diamonds.
In this world of advanced technology it is almost impossible to simply look at a diamond and determine whether it is real or not especially if you dont know much about diamonds. There are some steps that you can take to avoid buying a fake diamond,however.

First, only deal with reputable jewelers, and when you find a reputable jeweler, stick with them. Avoid buying diamonds or other jewelry from jewelers that you have never dealt with before in the past. Ask to see the certificate for the stone. If no certificate exists, walk away.

So far, we've uncovered some interesting facts about diamonds. You may decide that the following information is even more interesting.
Look at the setting that the stone is in. Fake diamonds, such as zirconias, are usually set in low quality metals. Take a close look at the stone. Fake diamonds are not durable natural diamonds, on the other hand, are the most durable stone on the planet. Look for scratches or nicks.

After purchasing a diamond, take it to another jeweler for appraisal. In fact, take it to two or three other jewelers for an appraisal to make sure that the appraisals are all fairly close. If you find that you have purchased a fake diamond, you may be accused of making a switch when you return to the store of your purchase; therefore, it is important to have a certificate for the diamond. No two stones are alike.

As your knowledge about diamonds continues to grow, you will begin to see how diamond fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

Article Source: Article Hub

You Can Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer...

By: keith

You Can Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer...We hear it all the time? lose weight for your health. Few people however, realize the extent to which this is critical to their physical well-being and ultimately their life expectancy.
In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a study finding that obesity appears to lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation between premature death and higher BMIs. For example, a 20-year-old white male, 5'10" weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater than 40 was estimated to lose 13 years of his life as a result of obesity. Jamie McManus, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. and author of "Your Personal Guide to Wellness" notes that while this study referenced extreme levels of obesity, there are still millions of overweight people in developed countries with a life expectancy rate that is three to five years less than their healthy-weight counterparts. She also estimates that there are 600,000 obesity related deaths each year in America.
Just how does obesity shorten our lifespan? The answer to this question is complex, yet there is a clear link between obesity and the development of cancer. An extensive study conducted by the American Cancer Institute involving 750,000 people showed that obesity significantly increased the risk of cancer developing in the following organs: breast, colon, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder.
Michael Thun, MD, vice-president of epidemiology and surveillance research for the American Cancer Society (ACS) says one reason obesity may raise cancer risk is because fat cells produce a form of estrogen called estradiol that promotes rapid division of cells, increasing chances of a random genetic error while cells are replicating, which can lead to cancer. In addition, fat centered around the abdomen may increase insulin and insulin-like growth factors in the blood, which may increase cancer risk.
"Women who are obese after menopause have a 50% higher relative risk of breast cancer," notes Thun, "and obese men have a 40% higher relative risk of colon cancer? Gallbladder and endometrial cancer risks are five times higher for obese individuals".There is evidence that cancer rates in developed countries are increasing at 5 to 15 times faster than developing countries. A major contributor to this alarming reality has proven to be diet. In populations where the diet consists mostly of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains in contrast to the typical Western diet of fatty meats, refined flours, oils and sugars ? the risk of cancer is much lower.
The interaction of diet and the development of cancer is an active field of research and Dr David Heber, M.D., Ph.D. and author of "What Color is Your Diet", says "It appears that diet has its most significant effects after the cancer has already formed, acting to inhibit or stimulate the growth of that cancer". At the risk of oversimplifying a complex set of interactions, the typical Western diet that leads to obesity may actually act to stimulate the growth of cancer cells.It is never too late to improve your health through healthful eating and adopting a more health-giving lifestyle. Here are simple steps to follow which can make an immediate improvement to your health and vitality. Please check this web site for more information ->
1. Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine if weight has become health risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60% of Americans are overweight, defined as having a BMI (a ratio of height to weight) over 25. Of those, nearly half (27%) qualify as obese, with a body mass index of 30 or more. In 1980, just 15% of Americans were considered obese.
2. Match your diet to your body's requirements. If you eat and drink more calories than your body requires you will put on weight. Learn to control calories and portion sizes, make recipes leaner, and eat infrequently from fast food restaurants. Also learn how to snack with healthful choices.
3. Color your diet with a large variety of colorful, cancer-fighting fruit and vegetables. There are seven different color ranges of both fruit and vegetables and by choosing between 5 to 9 daily serves from a wide range of fruit and vegetables, we are extending our consumption of cancer (and other disease) fighting nutrients.
4. Eat lean protein with every meal. Protein provides a powerful signal to the brain providing a longer sense of fullness. The right source of protein is essential to controlling your hunger with fewer calories and necessary to maintain your lean muscle mass. Choices of protein should be flavored soy shakes with fruit; the white meat of chicken and turkey, seafood such as shrimps, prawns scallops and lobster and ocean fish or vegetarians may prefer soy based meat substitutes.
5. Rev up your metabolism with activity. If you want to enjoy a lifetime of well-being, exercise is a key ingredient. Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, director of nutrition and physical activity for the American Cancer Society (ACS), says adults should do something for 30 minutes each day that takes as much effort as a brisk walk. Children should be active for an hour each day. We are more likely to develop habits around things we enjoy, so seek activities which you enjoy doing. It is also helpful to build physical activity into your daily routine: use the stairs instead of the escalator or lift at work, park your car in the parking bay furthest from the super market and don't use the remote control to change TV channels.
6. Get support to ensure you develop a healthful eating plan and reach your goal weight. Whilst a small percentage of people possess the discipline to lose weight, many obese people have developed strong thoughts and habits concerning the food they eat. In order to establish new habits, most people respond well to some form of consistent encouragement and coaching. A study, "Effects of Internet Behavioral Counseling on Weight Loss in Adults at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes" shows that participants who had the support of weight loss coaching lost more weight than those who didn't. The study concluded that the support of a weight loss coach can significantly improve weight loss results.Being overweight or obese has been identified next to smoking, as the most preventable major risk to developing cancer. Even small weight losses have been shown to have beneficial health effects. So it's never to late to start and you can never be too young or too old to be concerned about your health and do something about achieving a more healthy weight.
Keith Londrie II is a recognized expert with body fat and obesity. Please stop by his web site to learn more aboutbreast cancer. the Author Keith Londrie II is a recognized expert with body fat and obesity. Please stop by his web site to learn more aboutbreast cancer. .Keith E. Londrie IIinfoserve @ mchsi.com

Keith Londrie II is a recognized expert with body fat and obesity. Please stop by his web site to learn more about breast cancer. Keith E. Londrie II infoserve @

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

10 Things You Should Never Say to a Guy

Ladies, if you want to have a successful dating life, certain phrases should never come out of your glossy lips. Here they are:

1. WHEN WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN? You’ll see him when you see him. If he wants to see you again, he’ll call. If not, next. You don’t have time for anyone that doesn’t have time for you.

2. WHY DIDN’T YOU CALL? There’s only one answer to this question: Because he didn’t want to!!! What you’re really asking is, “Why didn’t you want to call me?” Who knows!! There could be a lot of reasons, but you shouldn’t be sitting around wondering why. You should be out dating lots of different guys and not worrying about ONE guy. Don’t be so quick to put all your eggs into one basket, because if they break, it’s a big mess!

3. WHERE WERE YOU? If he wanted you to know where he was, he’d tell you. What you’re really asking is, “Where you with another female that you like better than me?” Your insecurity is showing, my dear. If anything, he should be wondering where you were.

4. I LOVE YOU (FIRST) - You’re saying it in the hopes that he’ll say it back, but what if he doesn’t? You’ll be devastated and probably feel foolish. Saying “I love you” is not going to speed things up if he’s not ready to say it back. So just cool it, and let him be the first to say it when he’s ready.

5. DID YOU SLEEP WITH HER? As long as he’s not sleeping with her now, who cares? The past is gone. Don’t torture yourself (and him) with these thoughts. In this case, ignorance really is bliss.

6. I’M PREGNANT. In 2006, with all the birth control choices available, there is no excuse for becoming pregnant, unless you want to be. You should be using something and he should use a condom, every time.

7. WHERE IS THIS GOING? Nowhere fast if that’s your attitude. Guys want someone fun and easy to be with, not someone that’s constantly worrying about the future. His actions or non-actions will tell you where it’s going. If it’s going somewhere, you’ll know it. If it’s not, you’ll know it too.

8. WE NEED TO TALK. This is the equivalent of, “Go to the principal’s office”. Guys know it’s not going to be a fun conversation, so they’re already on the defense. If you need to discuss something, just casually bring it up when the both of you are relaxed. Don’t try to talk to him when he’s tired, stressed or trying to watch tv!

9. I HATE YOU! Even if you do, it’s totally uncalled for and un-lady like. If there’s an issue, be mature enough to discuss it when you’re calm. If he’s breaking up with you, reacting with anger may make you feel better temporarily, but it’s best to remain calm and act unfazed. He’ll wonder why you’re so cool about it and that may make him re-think his decision. Always be pleasant during a break up. Do you want to be known as the girl that goes psycho if someone breaks up with her?? I didn’t think so.

10. I DON’T TRUST YOU. What you’re actually saying is, “You need to step up your game, because I can see you’re up to something.” If he is up to something, he’ll just become even sneakier. Better to think smart and act dumb-it’ll be easier to get the evidence you need to confirm your suspicions.
Lucia is a dating and relationship expert, author, lecturer and host of the TV Show "The Art of Love".With over 20 years experience on the relationship market, Lucia has dated men of all nationalities in six cities, four countries and two continents. Her practical know-how makes her the perfect candidate to dispense relationship advice – after all, in almost every dating dilemma she has been there, done that and lived to tell about it.

For more articles or to ask Lucia a question, go to:

Monday, February 13, 2006

10 No Cost Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate those we love, and money should not stay in the way of it. Here are some Valentine’s Day gift ideas that won’t cost any money.

1. Surprise your partner with a new set of vows, complete with a lovely candlelight dinner. Take care of all the details before the actual day, so you can be relaxed and enjoy it too.

2. Window-shop for your dreams together: go "house hunting" for the perfect getaway cottage ...mountain cabin ...or even your first house. Those dreams will become a reality sooner than you think.

3. Bake some heart-shaped cookies or fudge: this one is really easy, and if you have kids, you can involve them as well.

4. Create a list of "100 reasons I love you" and present it nicely wrapped and tied with a red or pink bow.

5. Read love poems/stories together.

6. Share romantic greeting cards that you made: these can be adorned with silk, hearts, pressed flowers, or a nice drawing by you, if you have the talent.

7. Leave love notes in unexpected places. Suggestions include on the bathroom mirror, in the fridge, under his pillow, in his checkbook, or any other place you think he’ll come across during the day.

8. Find a babysitter for your kids and have a picnic in the living room.

9. Say "I love you" for 12 entire months with a coupon book filled with favors that she can redeem throughout the year. Choose a different favor for each month of the year that she can redeem on any day of the month. Suggestions include a foot massage, a back rub, cleaning up after dinner, a night out alone, etc.

10. Prepare a romantic spa evening at home: run a hot bath, add some bath oil, and some of your partner’s favorite music. Don’t forget a sensual massage and some home made chocolate treats.

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!

Adriana Copaceanu provides people with creative gift ideas that don't blow the bank. You can find Valentine's Day Gifts at Sign up for Gift News her free monthly newsletter to receive reminders on gift-giving.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Lose Weight With This Healthy Lean Chicken Salad Recipe

by: Anita Johnston

This lean chicken salad recipe is perfect for eating alone on a bed of lettuceor on toasted whole wheat bread. Chicken salad will spice up any dinner plate.

This recipe even has a sweet taste with the addition of raisins.


3 boneless, skinless chicken breast meat, cubed 1/2 cup sweet pickle relish ¼ cup red onion, finely minced 1 cup fat free mayonnaise ¼ cup celery, finely minced ¼ cup red bell pepper, diced ¼ cup cherry tomatoes, diced 2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. black pepper 2 tsp. garlic powder 1 tbsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice ½ cup raisins

To Make:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a casserole dish with cooking spray or olive oil. You can buy pre-cubed chicken or buy whole chicken breasts and cut them up yourself.

If you cut the kitchen up this way, you will be available to cut the chicken to your liking. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine the cubed chicken, the mayonnaise, and the fresh squeezed lemon juice.

Lemon juice out of a bottle may be substituted, if you prefer. Stir the chicken salad. Now add the sweet pickle relish, red onion, and celery. More mayonnaise may be used if mixture becomes too dry.

Continue stirring. Add the red bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, and the raisins. Lastly add the salt, black pepper, and garlic powder to the chicken salad.

Cream this mixture together well and spoon it into the casserole dish. Spread the chicken salad around evenly. Bake the chicken salad on 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes or less depending on the size of your oven. Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool.

Place the chicken salad into a serving dish with a lid.

Chill the chicken salad before serving.

About The Author

Anita Johnston is author of We prepared a Free Downloadable PDF packet with weight loss recipes for you.
Source: Articlecity

The 5 Biggest Decorating Trends of 2006

Stay on top of the latest interior design trends with these simple tips.
Staying on top of the latest trends for all you “do-it-yourselfers” can be fun but, it can also be time consuming. So, to keep you on top of the latest interior design trends we scoured the net to come up with the 5 biggest trends of 2006.
Hot Colors Are In
Yes, the reds and oranges are going to rule in 2006. While these colors started to be in vogue last year, this year everything will seem to be drenched in these colors. Along with all your reds and bold oranges, it is recommended you throw in a little kiwi green accent for a well rounded room.
Keep It Simple
Clutter is never a good interior design idea, especially this year. The trick here is to look like you didn't spend an entire week arranging everything just right. Keep it light and casual but not erratic. You don't want the messy look here.
Mix It Up
Good news, you can stop trying to match everything! Plan on seeing a lot of mix and match decor this year. Show off an Asian painting or wall screen with a Kathy Ireland Home occasional table.
All Things French
Country French design is making a fresh appearance in homes this year, especially in the kitchen. Replace the barns and roosters for a more rustic look this season.
Trade In The Coffee Table
Give your old coffee table to Goodwill and buy yourself an over-sized ottoman. Just this one accessory can change the entire look of a room. If you prefer a more traditional coffee table, go with a long and narrow rectangular shape.


Great Priced Furniture .com has been keeping up with the trends for over six years. You can find all your bedroom, living room, kitchen, and dining room furniture and accessories at:

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Mineral Makeup - Natural Makeup for a Healthier Skin

Mineral makeup is nothing new. In fact the Egyptians were using it over two thousand years ago. However it’s now back at a makeup counter near you bringing with it freshness, convenience and a much healthier skin.
As a doctor I know what damage some traditional makeup products can cause the skin if worn over time for prolonged periods without adequate cleansing. So the advent of mineral makeup to the cosmetic counters is a major breakthrough in healthy living and skincare.
Mineral cosmetics have their basis in ground-up minerals, including various metal ores and iron oxide. Being natural, they are allergen-free and contain no chemical dyes, added preservatives, fillers, perfumes, oils or talc – or other ingredients commonly found in traditional makeup products.
Mineral makeup contains only pure mineral pigments in concentrated form. Due to their concentration they perform the functions of concealer, foundation and powder - and incredibly all in a single application which binds to the skin so well that very little touch-up is required as the day progresses.
After mineral makeup is first applied – and this can be done very simply with a brush - the skin might appear a little powdery, but after a short time you will find that it is taken up very well by the natural oils within the skin.And incredibly, you’ll find that by nighttime your face will look just as fresh as it did in the morning when the makeup was first applied, without shine or streaks.
Mineral makeup’s purity means that it works well with most skin types and you will find that it adds a day-long youthful sheen to your skin. But it also possesses several other benefits:


Mineral foundation powders also contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that act as a reflective coating which blocks the harmful effects of the sun. In addition natural forms of Vitamins A and E are regularly added which have anti-oxidant benefits and also help prevent photo aging of the skin.


Since synthetic dyes, perfumes and preservatives are avoided in the composition of mineral makeup, there is little risk of skin sensitivity to the ingredients, resulting in a considerably reduced risk of longer-term allergic reactions.


Mineral makeup can be applied quickly and easily with a brush or sponge, and when applied to clean moisturized skin, it doesn’t smear or run. To immediately do away with the initial powdery effect, all you need to do is mist your face lightly even with ordinary water.


Due to it’s day-long enduring qualities, mineral makeup is not only ideal for those with hectic lifestyles, but it has also found favor in the film and tv industries. Plus, it is often provides a great solution for many with existing skin problems, such as those caused by burns.
Now let’s take a look at the cost. If you are used to cosmetic counter prices, you aren’t going to be totally shocked. However, you should also consider the savings you can make by using mineral makeup. What would you normally put on your face before venturing out in the morning? After a moisturizer, how about a primer? Then there are concealers, foundation, blusher, creams, powder…
However when using mineral makeup, after using a moisturizer, you’ll find that many products which were once a part of your daily regimen, now become totally redundant. So the overall savings could be quite significant. And think about the time saving too!
Modern mineral makeup represents a major advance not only in cosmetics but also in skincare and your overall well-being.


BY DR. BIANCA TAVARES Dr. Tavares is a medical consultant with wide-ranging experience and interests in both traditional and complementary medicine and health care.
She has a particular passion for disseminating quality medical information to the people who matter – the patients – and acts in an advisory capacity to numerous journals and health related web sites. Her writing about mineral makeup can be found regularly at Makeup Girl’s Makeup Tips.

This article is copyright by Dr Bianca Tavares. It can be reprinted freely online as long as the entire article and this resource box are included.

9 Earring Buying Tips

The right earrings can be the finishing touch that turns an ordinary ensemble into the envy of every woman in the room. But the wrong earring can be a painful experience for both your ear and your fashion sense.

The good news is that knowing the difference between the right earrings and the wrong ones is easier than it seems. Here are some common sense guidelines to help you get started:

1. Choose a Great Design

Like other types of jewelry, earrings come in a wide variety of shapes and styles. Although the style of your earrings will often be determined by the occasion, you shouldn't be afraid to branch out and try new designs. Experiment with an assortment of styles until you find the ones that are right for you.

2. Metals to Consider

Earrings can be comprised of a variety of precious and non-precious metals including gold, silver, and nickel-based alloys. When choosing earrings, it is important to note that certain metals have been known to cause allergic reactions in some people. This is especially true of nickel-based metals, small amounts of which are found in stainless steel. If metal allergies are a problem for you, then you'll probably want to look for hypo-allergenic earrings made of either titanium or niobium.

3. Matching Earrings to You

Color is another important consideration in earring selection. A nicely colored earring should complement your eyes and facial complexion as well as your outfit. Experiment with an assortment of colors until you find ones that draw out your complexion and go well with the colors that dominate your wardrobe. Remember: You buy earrings to match your outfit, not outfits to match your earrings!

4. Gem or No Gem

The decision to wear an earring with a gemstone is largely based on occasion and personal preference. Small gemstones add an interesting sparkle for everyday wear, while larger gemstones should be reserved for special occasions. Another factor to consider is cost. For genuine gems, the bigger the stone, the bigger the price tag.

5. Is Bigger Better

When it comes to earrings, size matters. A good earring takes into consideration not only the size of the ear, but also the hair and face. If the earrings are too large they will draw undue attention to themselves and detract from your overall appearance. If they are too small, they will not be seen.

6. Remember to Check Weight

The weight of your earring makes a big difference in both comfort and appearance. The droop of an overweight earring looks bad and can be potentially harmful to the ear if it leads to ripping or tearing of the lobe.

7. Hoops and Dangles

In addition to size and weight, the length of the earring also needs to be considered. Although a longer earring can add a touch of elegance, it can also hinder your movement and easily become more of a problem than it's worth. When trying on longer earrings, make sure you can easily move your head from side to side without catching the earring on your collar or shoulder.

8. Should You Always Buy Pierced Earrings

Over the years, many women have been hesitant to wear clip-on earrings because of the perception that they are more easily lost than earrings that are designed for pierced ears. Even so, the two most important considerations in choosing a pair of earrings are comfort and appearance. If a clip-on looks and feels good, then there is no reason why you shouldn't buy them. Also, if the woman doesn't have pierced ears, clip-ons, screw-ons and ear cuffs are popular choices.

9. How Much Should You Spend

Earrings can range in price from a few bucks to thousands of dollars depending on the quality of metal and gems they contain. Most women prefer to spend moderately on the ones they wear everyday and spend a little more lavishly on a couple of pairs they reserve for special occasions. The important thing is that you are satisfied with the earrings you purchase, no matter however much you decide to spend.

About the author:
Create great gifts. Get your Free report: "10 Ways to Make Your Gift Extra Special" as well as find more jewelry and gift buying tips by going to

Circulated by Article Emporium

Friday, February 10, 2006

5 ways to Simply Dinner Cooking

By O Quinn

Making dinner got you down? Do you find yourself letting out a big sigh around five or six o’clock when you realize you have yet another meal to cooking? Follow these five tips below to simply the dinner meal making.

1. Have pre-cut seasoning vegetables such as onions, carrots, and celery already cut and bagged in the freezer. When you come home from the grocery store. After taking a moment to take a breath. Get out your cutting board, knife and/or food processor and go to town.

2. If you don’t have the energy or inclination for once a month cooking try once a week cooking. Take a day that you have the least amount of pressing issues and make up a couply of meatloves, casseroles or soups and have them ready to go in the freezer.

3. As you’re cooking have the sink full of soapy hot water to soak the dishes you are using. My mother always said to clean as you go and isn’t it much nicer to be done cooking and realize the kitchen is clean as well?

4.Keep a list handy of the things you have in your pantry. Tape or tack it to the inside of the door. That way you won’t run out of important staples when it’s time to cook.

5.Make leftover night one of your dinners. I do this on a day when we are really busy. You can make your leftovers into an entirely new meal or do as I do and just stuff it all in the oven or various pots on the stove. Clean is a bit more when I do this but I’m not overtired from a bunch of cooking.

Of course there are many more things you can do to make dinner easier on you but these are just a few tips that might give you a jump start.

O Quinn is a stay at home mom who loves to cook from scratch. Visit her at

Article Source:

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Walking A Thin Line - celebrities, mass media and eating disorders - Brief Article

by Maria L Chang

Many Hollywood actresses are making news with possible eating disorders. Is Tinseltown promoting body images that are impossible for humans to attain?
What do Courtney Cox, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Calista Flockhart, and Lea Thompson have in common? For one thing, they're a new breed of TV superstar. Each actress is the lead of her own series. For another, they walk an extremely thin line: They look close to being dangerously underweight.
Actress Elisa Donovan, who plays fashion victim Amber in the TV series Clueless, crossed over the line in 1992 to battle anorexia, an eating disorder marked by an intense fear of gaining weight or getting fat (see "The Skinny on Eating Disorders," p. 13). "At first, I'd eat no fat," Elisa says. "Then, I'd just eat breakfast--cereal and toast--and not eat again until night." Within a couple of years, the 5-ft, 6-in. actress weighed only 90 pounds.
For years researchers have tied eating disorders to severe psychological problems. Now scientists have found a new link in the equation: brain chemistry. People with anorexia and bulimia (binge eating followed by vomiting or overexercising), appear to have deficient amounts of serotonin, a brain chemical associated with moods and emotions, circulating in their brains. The lack of serotonin is also linked to people with depression (see SW 10/6/97). In fact, people with eating disorders are generally depressed.
Many teens don't realize the psychological or physical dangers behind reed-like bodies. Instead they uphold super-thin images as their ideal. "The media has a tremendous influence--impacting on girls to be thin," says Elaine Yudkovitz, a New York psychotherapist and specialist in eating disorders. The statistics are alarming: About one in 100 adolescent girls suffers from anorexia. The results can be deadly. Roughly 10 percent of anorexics die of medical complications from lack of food, or from suicide.
Females aren't the only victims. In the past few years more males have been diagnosed with eating disorders as well. "Men are more focused on their bodies now than ever before," Yudkovitz says. Males are less likely to starve themselves to death; instead, many exercise excessively to get rid of the calories they ate a condition known as exercise bulimia, which is also becoming very common in girls.
Doctors often treat anorexics and bulimics with prescription drugs and psychotherapy. But a new treatment may result from studies at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Researchers have identified a pair of hormones (substances that control the activity of an organ or tissue), called orexin A and B, in the brain that seem to influence feeding behavior in rats.
When researchers injected the hormones into rats' brains, the animals ate 8 to 10 times more food than normal within a few hours. Scientists hope drugs that mimic orexin might increase hunger in anorexics and induce them to eat. After all, the body demands food to get the nutrients it needs to produce energy, build tissue, and just survive.
As Elisa Donovan, who finally overcame anorexia, puts it, "I never thought someday I'd have to eat something or die."
Anorexia ("nervous loss of appetite")
* First documented: 1649, by English physician Richard Morton
* Characteristics: Anorexics have an intense fear of gaining weight, so they either don't eat enough food or eat almost nothing. As a result, they rapidly lose weight. Even then, anorexics are convinced they're overweight. Sometimes they hide food, cut food into tiny pieces, or obsessively count calories.
* Who's at risk: Anorexia often starts between ages 13 and 20. More than 90 percent of anorexics are female; many are ballerinas, fashion models, and gymnasts. Recently the number of males with eating disorders is on the rise, particularly among dancers and some athletes.
* How anorexia affects the body: As the body struggles with starvation, it protects itself by slowing down breathing and pulse rates, and lowering blood-pressure rates. In females, loss of the menstrual cycle is usually the first symptom. Anorexics' skin often becomes dry and turns yellow; their bones become brittle from lack of nutrients. With very little body fat, anorexics can't stand the cold. The body compensates by growing a fine coat of soft hair, called lanugo. People who don't eat enough food soon become deficient in potassium, an important mineral the body needs. Potassium deficiency leads to heart problems, and could lead to cardiac arrest.
* Treatment: A hospital stay can help restore an anorexic's weight. Psychotherapy also helps address the psychological reasons behind eating disorders and depression that usually accompanies the condition.
Bulimia ("oxlike hunger")
* First documented: 18th century in French literature. It wasn't until 1979, however, that bulimia became officially recognized as a disease
* Characteristics: Bulimics binge, or consume large amounts of food at one time, they try to rid themselves of what they ate by vomiting, over-exercising, or abusing laxatives or diet pills. Like anorexics, bulimics have a distorted view of their own body shape and weight, but many maintain a normal body weight.
* Who's at risk: Bulimia starts slightly later than anorexia, usually around 16 to 21 years old. About 2 to 3 percent of adolescent girls suffer from bulimia. As with anorexia, most bulimics are female.
* How bulimia affects the body: Excessive vomiting often causes the stomach or esophagus (food tube) to rupture. Stomach acid brought up by vomiting can also wear down tooth enamel. Bulimics are at risk of dehydration and electrolyte (dissolved salt particles) imbalances, which can lead to heart failure.
* Treatment: Unlike anorexics, bulimics are usually more aware that something's wrong with their attitude toward food. As a result, they're more open to psychotherapy and medications.
COPYRIGHT 1998 Scholastic,
Inc.COPYRIGHT 2000 Gale Group

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

WOMEN (What We Are)

By: Dorothy

WOMEN are a good thing!
WOMEN are soft!
WOMEN are sensuous!
WOMEN are sexy!
WOMEN are sweet tasting!
WOMEN are fun to play with!
WOMEN are pleasing to the eye!
WOMEN are strong!
WOMEN are child bearers!
WOMEN are much needed mates!
WOMEN are an emotional species!
WOMEN are the passion of men!
WOMEN are beautiful to men!
WOMEN are temptresses!
WOMEN are curvaceous!
WOMEN are mistresses!
WOMEN are wives!
WOMEN are friends!
WOMEN are bitches!
WOMEN are behind every successful man! (wink)
WOMEN are comfort!
WOMEN bleed!
WOMEN cry!
WOMEN are what make men tick!
WOMEN are like the ocean. When they feel loved, their self esteem rises and falls like the ocean at its wildest time. A woman`s ability to accept and return her love is usually a reflection of how she sees herself. If a woman sees herself as happy and sexy, her arms and heart are wide open. When she sees herself as down and plain, she falls into a pit of darkness and numbness. During this time an open mind and heart is much needed to be on the receiving end. Then, and only then can she rise up and feel all the love that is within her and be of pure radiant love and intimacy.
WOMEN tend to feel deep emotions, such as insecurity, worry, resentment, hopelessness, mistrust, control, disapproval, possesiveness, need, confusion, overwhelmed and a total failure. The more support that a woman connects with, the more her trust grows inside her and releases all the negative emotions that her chemical hormones plant inside her. WOMEN yearn, for understanding, respect, devotion, reassurance, a soft touch of his lips to be cared for, to be admired, to feel equal leverage, and to feel loved genuinely.
WOMEN love to find their space through simple things such as: reading a book, listening to music, work in a garden, excercise (wink), get a massage, write a journal, watch a chick flick, take a bubble bath with lots of candles, chat with a girlfriend for a long time, go shopping, take a long walk, have a nice glass of wine, please their partner (wink), or simply just curl up on the couch and dream.
WOMEN are the heart of a relationship, they are the fantasy, they are the flower, the candles, the wine, the soft romantic music, the sexy outfit, the pleasure of joining as one, and they are the sweet smell of nature.
WOMEN are what men lust after!
WOMEN are what men yearn for!
WOMEN are what men live for!
WOMEN are what men fall for!
WOMEN are what men kill for!
WOMEN are what men plan for!
WOMEN are what men fight for!
WOMEN are what men change for!
WOMEN are what nurture men!
WOMEN are what love men!
WOMEN are what releive men!
WOMEN are what softens men!
WOMEN are what makes a man tick!
WOMEN complete men!
WOMEN are what a man NEEDS! As much as women can be confusing, emotional, misguiding, clever, coniving, frustrating, crazy, annoying, downright nasty at times, cold, detatched, and at times freaky, men have a way of just by a touch or a word to reach out and make them feel safe and loved. I am proud to be the WOMEN in my mans life! Are you?
"You are blind and I am deaf and dumb, so let us touch hands and understand" -Kahil Gibran
You do not need to be on the same wavelength to succeed in a relationship. You just need to be able to ride each other`s waves!

Dorothy Lafrinere Owner/Operator Website-

Monday, February 06, 2006

Lunestra Sleeping Pill

This is not the image of Lunesta pil

Everyone has an occasional sleepless night, and this is not a problem for most people. Shockingly, as many as 30% of Americans report occasional sleeping problems, and for about 15% of the population it is a chronic problem. In these cases, the lack of restful sleep impairs the person's ability to carry out daily responsibilities because they are too tired or they have trouble concentrating. Chronic sleep conditions can also cause memory problems, irritability and even depression.

Imagine all the times lying in bed at night wondering what it will take for you to fall asleep. Is there a more frustrating feeling? Many people often consider using a prescription sleeping pill to solve their chronic sleep problems.

Is Prescription Drug Lunesta® Right For You?

Eszopiclone is the generic name for the sedative/hypnotic Lunestra. This prescription medication was introduced earlier this year to the sleep aid market. Lunestra must be taken immediately before bedtime and you should make sure you have a full eight hours to devote to sleeping before taking it. You may notice that you are not quite as alert, or have increased drowsiness the next day if you do not get enough sleep. Never stop taking it without talking to your doctor and never stop abruptly. This can lead to withdrawal symptoms that include anxiety, abnormal dreams, nausea, and upset stomach. Another warning: Avoid alcohol when taking this drug. Combining the two could cause a coma and even death.

And remember, although Lunestra is not a narcotic, it could become habit forming. Potential side effects include chest pain, drowsiness, headache, unpleasant taste, nervousness, dizziness, and dry mouth. Using strong drugs to fall asleep often means that the body's natural sleep cycle is disturbed and the ability to fall asleep naturally is lost. Keep this in mind when considering any prescription sedative.

Are there Natural Sleep Alternatives Available To You? Absolutely!

The best all natural sleep aids on the market today are:

1) Somnatrol
2) Ambiatol
3) Somnulin

What makes a non prescription sleep aid product so appealing? Is it the all natural and non physically addictive properties? Prescription products as we all know pose the risk for too many potential side effects and drug interactions.

These elite nonprescription products like Somnatrol contain the all natural herb Valerian Root as one of the main ingredients. This produces a two fold effect:

Stage 1: your body experiences a state of powerful relaxation.

Stage 2: your body experiences an improved quality of sleep by inducing longer periods of restfulness.

You might not need to resort to prescription strength drug to get a good night's sleep. These natural supplements can support a sound and restful night's sleep. Unlike prescription sleep aids, these natural alternatives can be used on only nights when you really need it. You can take them before you retire, if you go to bed and discover you can't sleep, or even in the middle of the night. Get some sleep restful tonight. Your body deserves it!

More Information:

What is Lunestra?
You can read an in-depth explanation of what lunestra is and what to avoid doing while taking lunestra.

How should i take Lunestra?
You can read the different reasons and purposes why you should take lunestra.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

How to Keep Your Body Fit

by kospa

Fitness is just as imperative as health. As a matter of fact, fitness is linked directly with your health. If you are not taking care of your body, you will get sick. Here are some great suggestions that will help you to keep your body fit:

1. Bicycling

It is a sad thing that many people do not take advantage of this excellent option for exercise. Bike riding exercise your body and build a stronger cardiovascular system. Also, it allows you to get out and enjoy nature and fresh air.

2. Jogging or Walking

Both jogging and walking are wonderful ways to get fit. They tone the muscles, relieve stress, create a healthier heart, and improve lung capability.

3. Swimming

Swimming is an exceptional way to get into and stay in shape. Swimming will help you tighten your body, lose weight, and get a good overall workout.

4. Tennis

Tennis is a great way to exercise. Just running after the ball alone will help get you into shape. This is a great way to strengthen your cardiovascular system and lose weight.

5. Dancing

Dancing is so much fun and as long as you are moving, it really does not matter what type of dance or music. The whole idea is to move your body. Dancing has long been recommended as an avenue to fitness.

6. VCR

If you have a VCR or DVD, try sticking in some good workout tapes. Even taking 15 minutes every day to workout will get you started. Try that for two weeks and you will be surprised at the results.

7. Abdominal Crunches

Crunches have long been a favorite for many athletes for the very reason that they work. Lying on your back with knees bent, keeping feet flat on the floor, cross your hands across your chest and then curl your torso, rolling from your sternum toward your hips. Do this slowly and start out with a set of ten crunches in three reps. As you get accustomed to these, you can increase both the number of sets and reps.

8. Squats

Squats are excellent for glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. With your feet standing firm and spread apart about two feet, bend your knees slightly. Then, very smoothly, you will squat toward the floor without going all the way down.

9. Tricep Press

For an Overhead Tricep Press, standing on the floor with your feet about two feet apart, knees slightly bent, you will extend your arms over your head. Keep your elbows locked and then very slowly lower your hands behind your head. You want to do this with some type of weight, but small weights like one to five pounds.

Visit Home Fitness Equipment Center for the latest news and information about home fitness exercise equipment.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

How to Fight the Effects of Aging

by James Ponder

Like any battle, the fight against aging is best fought on several fronts simultaneously.
Get Up and Get Moving Exercise is they key to a healthy life if you're eight or 80. A brisk 30 minute walk every day can do wonders. Take friends along or get a dog for company. It helps with motivation too. Even those unable to walk can still get some exercise while stationary through repetitive movement exercises. It's important to do what you can.
Eat Smart The right kind of foods in the right quantities can do wonders to stave off the aging process. Plenty of fruits and vegetables, particularly the most colorful ones, which tend to be rich in nutrients, are important. So is keeping your total fat intake down, saturated fats in particular. Read food labels and substitute saturated fat in the diet for complex carbohydrates like starch and fiber.
Busy Body, Busy Mind Exercise keeps the body working, but a flexible mind is just as important. The more occupied the mind stays, the more its cells are stretched, the better shape it stays in. Start tackling the daily crossword and read the rest of the newspaper while you're at it. Take up a hobby, keep busy and give yourself things to look forward to.
Products It never hurts to have a little help and there are a wide variety of anti-aging products on the market to help beat the aging process. Aging most obviously manifests itself in outward appearance and there's no shortage of products that tackle that problem. Anti-wrinkle creams that hydrate and tighten skin can take years off a face and are a more cost effective and safer alternative to expensive plastic surgery procedures or injections of substances like Botox.
As well as creams and lotions, there are numerous hormone supplements and pharmaceuticals available that make varying claims of slowing or even reversing the aging process. The production of the hormone Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA for short, decline sharply in the elderly and has been popular in the marketplace for almost 10 years thanks to its reported life-extending qualities.
Other natural supplements that have been lauded include fish oil, which helps combat heart disease, and green tea, which is said to inhibit the growth of undesirable cells in the body.
Laugh Loud, Live Long It's the best medicine, it keeps you young, it's birthed a thousand clichés, but there's no getting a round it - laughter feels good and that can't be bad. Rent a comedy, read a book of humorous fiction, share some jokes, get together with friends and reminisce about the good old days. Whatever gets you laughing keeps you young at heart, which is a good thing physically and emotionally. Smiling makes you look younger, too.

About the Author

Learn the facts about which nutrients can help you to live a longer and more productive life! Arm yourself with the knowledge you need so that you can be just as productive in your 80's as you are in your 50's. Complete information on over 156 nutrients, vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts can be found by visiting .. http//